
“I love being part of the choir and the joy of biscuits and juice at the end”
“community, people, inclusivity”
“sacramental well central to a community of prayer, support and learning”
“an education team arranges opportunities for learning, reflection, discussion, spiritual growth”
“spiritual,friendly and supportive community”
“people rooted and grounded in prayer, aware of their love for, and dependence on, a loving Creator”
“that old drama school exercise when one person stands in the middle, goes rigid and falls, trusting everyone else in the circle around them to catch them – that’s us, always.”
“refreshes me through word, music and friendship”
“general ambiance of camaraderie and willingness to help”
“Tradition without stiffness; Love without compromise”
“strong community spirit”
“I like the communion wine”
“opportunities to explore and develop our faith”
“being able to be involved and feel a part of what is going on”
“thoughtful preaching”
“like a second family”
“a family lovingly embracing everyone, warts and all”
“sense of belonging”
“powers of spiritual renewal and refreshment”
“the friendly welcome I get every Sunday”
“superb music which enriches the services”
“wonderful bunch of people who gather at 8am to pray together”
“I value the people and what I learn from them, clergy or laity”
“peace and calmness of the building”
“our second family and home”
“warmth and welcome – whether someone comes as a worshipper, visitor, seeker after ancient sites, or something they know not what”
“strong bonds”
“I absolutely love the music at St Thomas’s and I’m forever thankful for the wonderful group of people I have met”
“the welcome was generous and the sense of family, community and belonging was instant”
“ability to celebrate at the drop of a hat”
“tradition AND innovation”
“one of the best things about St Thomas’s is the choir (and getting paid)”
“I love the sense of family, love and common purpose”
“ability to embrace and enjoy change”
“quality of the preaching”
“traditional services”
“a feeling of community and where you can meet other people who you may not otherwise have met who enjoy the same sort of things as you”